1. Kairos
2. Erge
3. Ilmu Web
For all my friend who receive this award...please do this following things...
1. Put this logo in your Blog or in your posting
2. Invite 10 people to get this award
3. Don't forget to make a link to your friend site or Blog
4. Let them know that they has receive this award with give comment in they Blog or site.
5. share your love and link to this posting and to them who has receive this award.
6. This things...can increase our page rank.....
wah ... gak tau bilang apa ne bang, .. makasih yaa udah ngasi award buat eRGe ..
keep posting n sukses slalu tentunya buat bang batax
congratz award-nya sob.. ^ makin semangat...
thanks awardsnya udah dijemput ya...
selamat yaa dan tambah semangat
tengyu awardnya bro,, langsung dikerjain deh,, hehehe.. :D sori ya baru nyempat mampir,, :D
makasih teman2ambil ...dah mau ambil n pasang award nya....moga kita semua sukses hihihihi
Selamat Bang .... Semangat terus ya .... hehe ...
halo bro,, Ini ada award buatmu,, diambil ya.. :D
semangat ngeblog om ayoo